Federated Learning (FL) has become a key choice for distributed machine learning. Initially focused on centralized aggregation, recent works in FL have emphasized greater decentralization to adapt to the highly heterogeneous network edge. Among these, Hierarchical, Device-to-Device and Gossip Federated Learning (HFL, D2DFL \& GFL respectively) can be considered as foundational FL algorithms employing fundamental aggregation strategies. A number of FL algorithms were subsequently proposed employing multiple fundamental aggregation schemes jointly. Existing research, however, subjects the FL algorithms to varied conditions and gauges the performance of these algorithms mainly against Federated Averaging (FedAvg) only. This work consolidates the FL landscape and offers an objective analysis of the major FL algorithms through a comprehensive cross-evaluation for a wide range of operating conditions. In addition to the three foundational FL algorithms, this work also analyzes six derived algorithms. To enable a uniform assessment, a multi-FL framework named FLAGS: Federated Learning AlGorithms Simulation has been developed for rapid configuration of multiple FL algorithms. Our experiments indicate that fully decentralized FL algorithms achieve comparable accuracy under multiple operating conditions, including asynchronous aggregation and the presence of stragglers. Furthermore, decentralized FL can also operate in noisy environments and with a comparably higher local update rate. However, the impact of extremely skewed data distributions on decentralized FL is much more adverse than on centralized variants. The results indicate that it may not be necessary to restrict the devices to a single FL algorithm; rather, multi-FL nodes may operate with greater efficiency.
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The need for data privacy and security -- enforced through increasingly strict data protection regulations -- renders the use of healthcare data for machine learning difficult. In particular, the transfer of data between different hospitals is often not permissible and thus cross-site pooling of data not an option. The Personal Health Train (PHT) paradigm proposed within the GO-FAIR initiative implements an 'algorithm to the data' paradigm that ensures that distributed data can be accessed for analysis without transferring any sensitive data. We present PHT-meDIC, a productively deployed open-source implementation of the PHT concept. Containerization allows us to easily deploy even complex data analysis pipelines (e.g, genomics, image analysis) across multiple sites in a secure and scalable manner. We discuss the underlying technological concepts, security models, and governance processes. The implementation has been successfully applied to distributed analyses of large-scale data, including applications of deep neural networks to medical image data.
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我们为对抗性多机器人群众跨任务中的决策制定开发了一个有弹性的二进制假设测试框架。该框架利用机器人之间的随机信任观察,以在集中式融合中心(FC)中得出可进行的弹性决策,即使I)在网络中存在恶意机器人,其数量可能大于合法机器人的数量,并且II )FC使用所有机器人的一次性噪声测量。我们得出两种算法来实现这一目标。第一个是两个阶段方法(2SA),该方法基于收到的信任观察估算机器人的合法性,并证明在最严重的恶意攻击中可最大程度地减少检测错误的可能性。在这里,恶意机器人的比例是已知但任意的。对于不明的恶意机器人,我们开发了对抗性的广义似然比测试(A-GLRT),该测试(A-GLRT)都使用报告的机器人测量和信任观察来估计机器人的可信赖性,其报告策略以及同时的正确假设。我们利用特殊的问题结构表明,尽管有几个未知的问题参数,但这种方法仍然可以计算处理。我们在硬件实验中部署了这两种算法,其中一组机器人会在模拟道路网络上进行交通状况的人群,但仍会受到SYBIL攻击的方式。我们从实际通信信号中提取每个机器人的信任观察结果,这些信号提供有关发件人独特性的统计信息。我们表明,即使恶意机器人在大多数情况下,FC也可以将检测误差的可能性降低到2SA和A-GLRT的30.5%和29%。
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有效的量子控制对于使用当前技术的实用量子计算实施是必需的。用于确定最佳控制参数的常规算法在计算上是昂贵的,在很大程度上将它们排除在模拟之外。构成作为查找表的现有硬件解决方案不精确且昂贵。通过设计机器学习模型来近似传统工具的结果,可以生成更有效的方法。然后可以将这样的模型合成为硬件加速器以用于量子系统。在这项研究中,我们演示了一种用于预测最佳脉冲参数的机器学习算法。该算法的轻量级足以适合低资源FPGA,并以175 ns的延迟和管道间隔为5 ns,$〜>〜>〜$〜>〜$ 0.99。从长远来看,这种加速器可以在传统计算机无法运行的量子计算硬件附近使用,从而在低潜伏期以合理的成本实现量子控制,而不会在低温环境之外产生大型数据带宽。
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本质语言允许用户在上述抽象级别指定约束问题,在该抽象级别进行约束建模决策。 Essence规范通过魅力自动建模工具精制到约束模型,该工具采用了一套细化规则。但是,本质是一种丰富的语言,其中有许多等同的方法来指定给定的问题。因此,用户可以省略域属性或抽象类型的使用,从而产生更少的细化规则,因此可以从中选择的减少的输出模型集。本文解决了在输入精华规范的变化面前自动恢复此信息以增加输出约束模型质量的稳健性。我们提出了可以更改决策变量的类型或添加缩小其域的属性的重构规则。我们展示了这种方法在模型的数量和质量方面的功效可以与原版相比,从转化的规格中产生。
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